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I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Administration at Binghamton University, SUNY. I earned my doctoral degree in political science from Florida State University in 2019.

My research agenda focus on two key areas: 1) how racial inequality influences contemporary public policy and institutions, and 2) federalism. 

Methodologically, I am a quantitative scholar with training in a variety of techniques including, multilevel modeling, causal inference, and Geographic Information Systems.

I have peer-reviewed articles published or forthcoming in a variety of prominent public policy and social sciences journals including: Public Administration Review, Policy Studies JournalSocial ForcesEducational Policy, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, State Politics & Policy Quarterly, State and Local Government Review, and Polity. My research has received the Herbert Kaufman Award from the Public Administration Section of the American Political Science Association. 

At Binghamton, I have served as a Community Engaged Teaching Fellow and Charles E. Scheidt Faculty Fellow for Atrocity Prevention.


I teach graduate-level coursework in Research Methods, Policy Analysis, and Program Evaluation. At Florida State, I taught undergraduate courses in American Government, Public Policy, State Politics and Policy, and Research Methods.

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